Whole 30 Month – Day 5 & 6
If you know me, you’ll know that I’m very “goal” driven. If I’m not working toward a purpose, I am lost. Sometimes this leads to me taking on too many things at one time only to drop the ball on most (or all) of them (Ask me how the beginning of my lockdown/joblessness life went last April).
Recently, I realized exactly how much I LOVE finishing things…a bottle of shampoo, a condiment, even wearing out a pair of slippers. There is just something so satisfying about being DONE with something.
However, I definitely make more commitments than I reach goals (I’ve never finished the 30-day fitness challenge, stalling around the 1/2 way point because I get bored). Difficult or crazy days like the last few , tend to derail me and put me out of my purpose.
That is why, in ensuring my commitment to this Whole 30 month, I’m writing my experience in a blog for all you. This is a big deal to me b/c y’all will know if I fail! (And totally call me on it. I’ll give you $1).
However, cooking dinner still has been exciting, so at least there’s that.
The TLDR Version
I was a shitty eater these two days, but at least it was all W30 compliant shit. AKA too many snacks. But also, I didn’t really feel like I was starving my face off, so it worked fine. And dinners were still fantastic.
For our dinner recipes, check below:
- Day 5: Yakitori Chicken Skewers & Sautéed Veggies
- Day 6: Chimichuri Marinated Flank Steak & W30 Mashed Potatoes

The Whole (30) Story
Day 5 (Jan 15)
I swear I would have had more breakfast, but by the time I actually decided I wanted to eat something, Eric was about to order Qdoba. So I had my berries and coffee in order to not die while the food came.
Let me tell you, that Qdoba brisket bowl is da’ bomb. It was even better when I took some chipotle mayo and thinned it down with lime juice & water to make a dressing.
For dinner, we grilled yakitori skewers (better with thigh meat, though my housemates would disagree). And, while they DO come on skewers, they are NOT souvlaki because they are, in fact, from a completely different world region. Who knew? 😉 (The sarcasm is thick here…I wish there was a punctuation mark for that).
Day 6 (Jan 16)
Today started out pretty difficult when we went to Starbucks hoping to get a non-milk latte. Yeah…apparently ALL their fake milks have sweetener in them (sadface). What’s worse is this is the same with Ziggi’s coffee. Welp…I guess it’s black coffee for us if we’re out and about.
I did put a packet of stevia in it because I don’t hate myself THAT much. Though, it still wasn’t good. Starbucks is totally out.
Then I did a huge Home Depot shopping trip, dropping multiple $1000s of dollars on the renovation without food. Maybe not my best idea ever. Luckily, I had a Lara Bar in the car…
After that, we hit the grocery store for a few things and enjoyed a longer-than-expected stop at the meal bars/dried meat section trying to find out if ANYTHING was compliant. Turns out, there actually are dried meat & fruit/nut bars that work.
For a list of dried meat stuff that’s w30 approved, check out this page.
I will say chicken jerky is a little weird, but I don’t hate it. I also found a carbonated tea with pomegranate and hibiscus in it that was super f’in good.
We adapted a chimichurri steak recipe, subbing avocado oil for w/e oil it called for. Though we did find out that avocado oil has a lower flashpoint and um…kinda sets your grill on fire. We’re fine, though James’ eyebrows are a bit thinner.
We made W30 mashed potatoes and while they were pretty good, I still think they woulda been better slathered in butter and sour cream. However, I can’t complain. Would eat again. Also, Ghee is suppppper weird. It’s like waxy, flavorless-ish butter.
Heath Stuffs
Apparently I’ve been sitting at a desk too long b/c I discovered that when you’re moving around it’s way easier to not snack and except for my hangry Home Depot shopping experience, I haven’t felt like I’m going to die of starvation between meals.
Sometimes I do feel like I just “want” something–but a cup of tea or handful of nuts seems to quell those desires. And then there was the time when I was eating the rest of the ultra-creamy coconut milk out of the can with a spoon dreaming of mixing it with berries…don’t judge…
My intestinal distress is seeming to level out. Thankfully it’s adjusting to the increase in veggies/fruits and lack of grains. Also, that uncomfortable, sick feeling I get from time to time hasn’t happen since we started. Neither has the burning or acid-refluxy type feelings.
I do have more gas…fortunately right now James can’t smell it! XD
The Menu
I’m not going to list all the snacks I’ve already listed b/c I can’t remember them all LOL.
Day 5 (Jan 15, 2021)
- Breakfast
- Mixed berries
- Coffee w/ Coconut Milk
- Lunch
- Qdoba W30 Brisket Bowl (lettuce, guac, pico) w/ chipotle lime dressing
- Hint flavored water
- Snacks
- Pure Organic layered fruit bar
- Dry Roasted Macademias
- Rasins
- Dinner
- Yakitori Chicken Skewers (not souvlaki)
- Sautéed veggies
Day 6 (Jan 16, 2021)
- Breakfast(ish)
- Lara Bar
- Epic Chicken Sriacha Meat Bar
- The blandest, grossest black coffee from Sbux
- Lunch
- Tuna Salad
- Black Olives
- Clementine
- Dinner
- Chimmichuri steak
- Garlic/Chive mashed potatoes
- Sauteed Asparagus
- Blue, black & raspberries
- Mocktail (orange juice, lemon juice, seltzer)