Book of the Week – The Dresden Files Series

In looking through my Good Reads list, I have realized there are a number of books I either want to read or have read and loved. So I’ve decided to write a “Book of the week” post to help give people who may feel stagnant in their literary inspiration some direction.

These are going to be “quick and dirty” posts. Some may have a short review, others may have a list of why I’ve been wanting to read this book for forever. Either way, I hope you find something fun to entertain you during this very corona virusy year.

Welcome to part 1 of this series. I’m going to start out with a very cult favorite, The Dresden Files, because I feel like I was very late in the game in diving into this series. (You can laugh all you want but when your “to read” list could span the globe, sometimes you’re slow on the uptake).

However, his 17th book in the series, Battle Ground is coming out soon, so I feel that I may have time to catch up (yeah right!).

Only a few years ago I started listening to the first book on Audible, in the series Storm Front .

I have to say, I’ve read some Jim Butcher wannabe sci-fi and my first impression was that it felt cheesy and campy. However, if you really want the taste of hard-boiled detective novels with urban fantasy, I’d definitely check it out. No one writes Jim Butcher style better than Mr. Butcher himself!

I’ve now bought through 4 (Fool Moon, Grave Peril, and Summer Knight), on Audible and I have to say that I am hooked. 9/10 will read more.

To pic up more of the Dresden Files, click the links below!

And, to preorder book 17, Battle Ground, click below!

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Lyndsie Clark

Hi! I’m Lyndsie! Writer. Artist. Linguist. Swordfighter. Cosplayer. Model. I grew up in Boulder, Colorado, the only child of hippie parents. As a bored extrovert, I spent a lot of time in my imagination. Encouraged from an early age to write stories, I immersed myself in fantastical realms and completed my first novel at 15 years old. I have learned much since then writing more epic fantasy and dipping my toe into modern science fiction. Nowadays, my creativity has taken a darker turn as I explore dystopian worlds and post-apocalyptic futures. My cyberpunk series, The Savant Uprising, is currently in progress. I am in the process of submitting the first book, In Memoriam, for publication. I love cats, the sun, and my crazy life. Come join me on this adventure!

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