Idea stolen from a friend on Facebook. Thought I’d post it here so I can find it easily to see how I’m doing.
About 10 years ago, I made a similar list called 30 before 30, which was a list of all the things I wanted to do before I turned 40. Well, now I’m getting close(ish) to 40, but with the current state of the world and how much “in limbo” my life is right now, I don’t think I can plan even 2 1/2 years into the future. Thus, I picked 22 things I wanted to do this year.
Some are simple and others may be a bit more work, but all of them have the benefit of taking me forward in my life or treating myself to better mental and physical health. I do very well with lists (when I get around to making them), so I’m hoping this will help guide me through the other 10 months of this year. What are your goals for 2022?
22 things I want for 2022

1. A beach trip: It’s been two years since we’ve gone somewhere tropical and I’m feeling like it’s about time. I miss the ocean?
2. An email list for my author biz: Everyone says email lists are the way to go for authors, so I think it’s about time I figured out how to get one of these started. Heck, I may actually have CONTENT to sell this year…that’s a new concept.
3. A patreon/Ko-fi subscription or other way to sell my Steampunk Serial: I am determined to get this one out this year. If you’re looking for the premise for the story, please head over to my YouTube video here.
4. A 4th novel: I need to start on the next novel in my Savant Uprising series, entitled Memento Mori. Whether I finish is totally dependent on if I get into an MFA program or not. But either way, I should probably start it in the very least!
5. More art: My drawing skills improved A TON during the pandemic and I want to keep going with it because it makes me ridiculously happy. Also, markers, yay!
6. Museum visits: The Museum of Nature and Science is one of my happy places and I can’t wait for the new exhibits this year. I also love the Botanic Gardens and the Denver Art Museum. Hopefully things will slow with the pandemic and I can go again!
7. Better mental health: This is an uphill battle for sure, but I’m hoping to put enough strategies in place (see below #s for some ways I’ll do this), that I can function and get through the hard days without feeling completely like it’s worthless. I may even set up a therapist this year…
8. An exercise routine that I enjoy: I really don’t like working out unless I feel like I’m getting enjoyment from it. So, I’m going to look into yoga or zumba classes or maybe some other kinds of training that I can stick with (and hopefully making a habit of walking when its nice again!). It probably won’t stick, but may help for a little while…
9. Jewelry making: I finally got all my craft stuff out of storage so it’s time to make jewelry again!
10. Fixing up “project dolls”: I’ve gotten a few TLC American Girl dolls that need retightening or some other maintenance. Some of them I plan to sell, but others are just for me. Either way, They need to be perfect again!
11. Healthy eating with lots of veggies: trying not to eat my feelings is another ongoing struggle and I’ve been really bad about it in the last month (and my body knows……). So I’m hoping to get into the habit of incorporating more greens and smoothies in my life.
12. Drinking less alcohol and more water: We don’t drink enough water. For living in Colorado, we drink even less. So, I’m trying to get in my 64+ oz of liquid (I’m counting tea, seltzer, and coffee, but not juice or soda b/c of all the sugar). Though, liquid is liquid. Drink more!!!
13. A new tattoo: Road trip is already planned to get my self-care tattoo. “As long as I spread my wings, the winds will carry me.” Bonus points that it’s with my person!
14. Boudoir photos: I’ve never done a classic boudoir shoot before (well once when really drunk, but I never wanted to see them b/c I knew how bad they were). I think it will really help me appreciate my “closer-to-40-than-30″ body.”
15. Try a chestnut (and other new food): I realized today I’ve never had one. I should change that. Also, love all new food, so this is a bonus!
16. Less time on draining social media: Well, after getting my second Facebook “violation”, I’m again put off by the platform and am going to try to limit my usage as much as possible. I deleted the app on my phone and downloaded a messenger app for my computer that only does chat. I may even temporarily deactivate my profile….we’ll see.
17. More positive time wasters (art! Building friends up!): Instead, I’m going to spend more time on Instagram (I know it’s own by FB, but it’s got a different feel) and maybe learn TikTok to help grow my author platform…
18. Con panels (and a con table?): I’d love to be on panels for sci-fi cons again this year. It would be really cool if I had a product to market at a table too…
19. Meet more writers: It always inspires me to meet others doing what I’m doing, so I’m determined to get more writer friends! If for nothing else than to bounce ideas off of and cheer each other on when we’re flagging.
20. Cook Afghani food: because it’s delicious. That’s why.
21. An organized craft room: we finally got a chance to set this up this year, so I’m hoping to spend some time in there sewing, beading and generally enjoying being creative!
22. A garden with lots of veggies and flowers: I can’t wait to get my seed starts this year and get out there in the sun doing yard work! We have more garden beds for MORE veggies and I’m hoping our perennials will come back. Can’t wait to watch our trees flower too! Spring couldn’t get here soon enough.
OK! Now onward! For all of you out there who have goals and dreams for this year, I hope all of them come true. You’re awesome and you can do it! <3